Category: Ghana Mmebusem

Ghanaian proverbs

  • Ahia

    AdinkraaChia woC a ka se aChia mEC, na enka se aChia yen.
    EnglishIf you are poor say you are poor, don’t say we are poor.
  • Nyame

    Adinkraobi nQECre aqadaa NamEC.
    EnglishNo one teachers a child who God is.
  • Nsatea

    AdinkransatECa Ninaa nNe pe.
    EnglishAll fingers are not equal.
  • Aboronoma

    aboCrcnoCma sEC: “cqantia ye mmusuo”.
    Says the Dove: “Shortcut is dangerous”.
  • Nkontompo

    Adinkra (Akan)
    nkontompo na ema noCkoCre boCc ye dECn.
    It is because of lies that truth is expensive.
  • Owuo kum Nyame

    Adinkra (Akan)
    cdoCmankoCma bc owuo ma owuo kum noC.
    The Creator created death only for death to kill him.
  • Funtunfunefu and Denkyemfunefu

    Adinkra (Akan)
    funtunfunEfu nEC denQemfunEfu wcn aCfuru bom nanso wcrECdidi a na wcrECkoC Efiri se aCduanEC de yetEC noC wc mECnECtwitwiE mu.
    Funtunfunefu and denkyemfunefu (two conjoined crocodiles) have their stomachs joined together yet when they eat they fight because the sweetness of the food is felt as it passes through the throat.
  • Bere

    Adinkra (Akan)
    bECre aCnnuru aCnnuru a, etra.
    Procrastination is the thieve of time.
  • Baanu

    Adinkra (Akan)
    baCaCnu soC a, Emia.
    The load is easy when two carry.
  • Asuahunu

    Adinkra (Akan)
    adECe Ninaa dan aCsuahunu.
    Experience is the best teacher.