Category: Ghana Mmebusem

Ghanaian proverbs

  • Anoma

    AdinkraanOma Antu a, obua da.
    English If the bird does not fly it goes to be on an empty stomach.
  • Kwaee

    qaIe a aZI wO nO, yemfre nO qaI wa.
    You don’t call the forest that has saved you a small forest.
  • Dufokyee

    woCtECna dufcQECe soC di bcfre a, woC toC fc, wanoC nsoC fc.
  • Afuru bom

    funtunfunEfu nEC denQemfunEfu, wcn aCfuru bom nansoC woCrECdidi a na wcrECkoC, Efiri se aCduanEC de yetEC noC wc mECnECtwitwiE mu.
  • Owuo

    AdinkrawoCnim owuo a, hwe nna – ghana mmEbusem.
    EnglishIf you don’t know what death is, just imagine sleep – Ghanaian proverb.
  • Tumi te se kosua

    Adinkratumi tEC se kosua, woCsc mu dECn a, epaEC; na se woCanso mu yiE nsoC a, efiri woC nsa bc fam ma epaEC.
    EnglishThe responsibility of power is like holding an egg. Grasp it too tightly and it will drip through your fingers; hold it too loosely and it will drop and break.
  • Mako

    AdinkramaCko Ninaa mpaCtu mmECrEC.
    EnglishAll peppers do not ripe simultaneously.
  • Dua baako

    Adinkradua baakoC ndanEC qaECe – ghana mmEbusem
    EnglishOne tree does not become a forest – Ghanaian proverb
  • Hwimhwim

    Adinkrahwimhwim adECe kc soCrcsoCrc – ghana mmEbusem.
    EnglishEasy comes, easy goes – Ghanaian proverb.
  • Responsibility

    Adinkra“fawoChoCdie enEC cbre na enam.”- ghana mmEbusem.
    English“Freedom comes with it’s responsibilities” – Ghanaian proverb.