Akwasidae Dates 2024

aqaCsidaEC is an Akan festive occasion celebrated every six (6) weeks on Sunday.

sqaCsiadacpepcn Uu pgpdUJanuary 7, 2024sankcfa
pqaCsiadacZECfoCc Usq pgpdUFebruary 18, 2024pECmpamsiE
aqaCsiadacbenECm Uas pgpdUMarch 31, 2024aCdinkrahECnEC
dqaCsiadakoCtoCnimma Usp pgpdUMay 12, 2024damEC damEC
oqaCsiadaayewoChoCmumu Upa pgpdUJune 23, 2024NamEC biribi wc soCroC
CqaCsiadacsanaa Ud pgpdUAugust 4, 2024cwc foCroC adoCbe
uqaCsiadaebc Uso pgpdUSeptember 15, 2024nECa onnim noC sua a, ohu
qqaCsiadaaChinimEC Upu pgpdUOctober 27, 2024denQem
fqaCsiadacpenimma Uq pgpdUDecember 8, 2024fawoChoCdiE


2 responses to “Akwasidae Dates 2024”

  1. Rev Dr Edward Ofori Avatar
    Rev Dr Edward Ofori

    Hello Sir,

    You are doing very good job because the sacred days are for rest and worshipping before Christianity
    Please send me the English names of the 2024 Akwasidae

    1. nyamedua_xv46h6 Avatar

      Please find the updated Akwasidae dates with their English names. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.

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