Adinkra Tree of Life
The Adinkra Tree of Life (ATOL) is a pathway of virtue through consciousness that leads to greater understanding of self and The Creator. ATOL consist of two paths, right and left with a middle path. All three paths of ATOL leads to Gye Nyame or God (The Creator).
Adinkra Flower of Life
The Adinkra Flower of Life (AFOL) is a pathway through consciousness that leads to a deeper understanding of self, the universe and all the dimensions of space.
Adinkra Fruit of Life
Adinkra Flower of Life (AFOL) has two parts. Downward facing Adinkra Flower of Life and upward facing Adinkra Flower of Life. The unification of upward and downward facing Adinkra Flower of Life forms the Adinkra Fruit of Life (AFrOL).
Adinkra symbols | Adinkra Alphabet | Akan calendar |
Akan Dictionary | Twi Bible | Psychic centers |
Meditation | Kwanzaa | Ghana Mmebusem |